Technical Stack:

Find Jobs leverages a modern and efficient technical stack to deliver a seamless user experience:



Utilized as the backend framework, Flask offers a lightweight and flexible solution for building web applications, providing features such as routing, request handling, and template rendering.


Employed for frontend development, Bootstrap offers a responsive and mobile-first framework for designing visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces, ensuring compatibility across different devices and screen sizes.



Employed as the backend framework, Django offers a powerful and secure foundation for building web applications, providing features such as ORM, authentication, and routing.

Project information

  • Category: Web design
  • Client: Clark University
  • Project date: 30 April, 2023


Find Jobs is a dynamic web application developed as part of a server-side web programming course, designed to streamline the job posting and application process for both managers and candidates. With a focus on functionality and user experience, Find Jobs offers a range of features to simplify job management and application submission. Managers can log in to post new job listings, close existing postings, and view a tabular representation of candidates who have applied for specific positions. On the other hand, candidates can log in to apply for available jobs, filter listings based on categories such as technical or Human Resources, and withdraw their applications if needed.